2 Photos

today im going to talk about some pictures of moments in my life, these pictures are from not long ago and honestly searching for pitures i realized i dont have that many pictures of when i were younger, maby because at the time pictures were still analog and the pictures i have are all in a case somewere in my house. i also realized that i havent changed that much since i got my phone on 2020 (judging for the pictures i found) and im still feeling like that year was yesterday.
the first picture actually at FAU and you can actually see the "Titanic" behind me, i was playing guitar for a friend who was performing at a welcome activity for people maby this year or the one after, 2024 or 2023 i cant rebember but anyway i should had been like 22 or 23 not much younger than what i am today. i really like this picture because its been hard to mantain a conecction to music studing such a demanding career and these moments were i can really experience it at a higer level than just siting in my bedroom playing guitar are something rare that i value a lot.

this second picture is a little bit older, from the end of 2021 or the beggining of 2022. i was 21 at that time i was in vacations with my family and my girfriend (who actually took the picture) at lanalhue lake, it was a beautiful trip and i have grat memories from it. Althougth i think its a picture that looks really good what i like the most about it is that this little point in the middle of the lake its my mom swimming and we didnt realize she was there until we rewatched the pictures later


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